Dr. Van Doren provides comprehensive psychiatric care to adults and adolescents (>12 years). Dr. Van Doren treats all mental health conditions, including ADHD, anxiety, panic, depression, bipolar, PTSD, OCD, agoraphobia, insomnia, and sleep disorders.
Dr. Van Doren will interview the patient and review symptoms, medical, family, and social history, and lab work if indicated. He will then make an accurate diagnosis of your condition and develop a personalized treatment plan consisting of a combination of therapies, including psychotherapy, behavioral modification, and medication.
If you are already undergoing psychiatric treatment, Dr. Van Doren provides second opinions. He can help you gain perspective on your illness and identify areas where your current treatment plan may be improved.
All treatment begins with a thorough diagnostic assessment. This is typically a 60-minute interview during which the doctor reviews and assesses the patient's condition and symptoms. A complete medical history is recorded. The doctor will also collect additional information, including family history, psycho-social and developmental history, and substance use history. When indicated, the doctor may order lab work and imaging, request medical records, and gather collateral information from family or friends. The diagnostic assessment is completed during the initial office visit. After the evaluation, the doctor will discuss the diagnoses and treatment options.
Medication Management appointments are brief, lasting 10-20 minutes. During these appointments, the doctor will review and assess the patient's response to medications, any potential side effects, and any other medical factors that may be related. Brief supportive therapy is included in this type of visit. The doctor may also briefly discuss behavior modification and recommendations for psychotherapy.
Doctor Van Doren incorporates psychotherapy with most of his treatment plans. The doctor may refer patients to a psychologist or master's level therapist. He also provides psychotherapy to some patients depending on need and therapeutic fit with his style and approach to therapy. Dr. Van Doren practices psychodynamic psychotherapy and CBT.
Initial Appointment: $425
60-minute comprehensive diagnostic interview complete with assessment and treatment recommendations.
Follow Up Appointment: $195
This is a 20-minute session to assess your current symptoms and the effectiveness of your medications. Your progress will be evaluated, and your medications adjusted as needed. As time allows, psychotherapy may be incorporated.